Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

Virtualization by Integrated Lightweight Development Tool (VILD)-For Multimedia application

Author : Vivek Patil 1 Akshay sonavane 2 Sneha vig 3 Pooja Pawar 4 Rupali Bankar 5 Shivani Kotkar 6

Date of Publication :21st March 2018

Abstract: The implementation of the Virtual Development tool which can be used by the developer as well as normal user or amateur user. In the 21st century Virtual Reality and Augmented reality is leading key technology which has been liked by people but only the expert coders can develop all virtual stuff so we are building the platform to make this easy to implement and this will work on the systems which have a lightweight configuration as well. And this platform could be applicable to make the applications for the Smart Multimedia Applications i.e classroom. Combining the IOT technology with social and behavioural analysis an ordinary classroom into the smart classroom for Eg( Normal presentation of the solar system into the real virtual world ), entertainment or gaming purpose. As per the user’s requirement to make their life easy to understandable and more convenient to interact.VILD framework which is completely based on web technologies like HTML5 which includes JavaScript CSS(cascaded style sheets) and basic HTML.VILD could be easily crack with all the external peripheral devices on the basis of ASCII values such as each device can also send the ASCII values as per the pre-set settings.VILD can be used at: public use entertainment Purpose, corporate presentation purpose,health-oriented usage with the hardware interference, the educational purpose and as well for all the multimedia interaction related.

Reference :

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    4. Majid Abarghoei,”Designing a Pull-Based Automated System of Mobile Mechanic Service”(August 2015)
    5. Dennis Wiebusch Decoupling the Entity-ComponentSystem Pattern using Semantic Traits for Reusable Realtime Interactive Systems .
    6. R. Bakeman and J. M. Gotman, Observing Interaction: An Introduction to Sequential Analysis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997

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